Pagan Sites General/Interfaith Sites
A community for Pagans of all paths and all levels of experience. Based in the UK but Pagans from other countries are welcome.All memberships are subject to approval not due to elitism but simply to keep out trolls and troublemakers. Over 18’s only.
Community designed to allow Pagans and Christians to communicate and gain a better understanding of each others paths.
Online community for the excellent Dragonswood quarterly magazine. All paths and levels of experience welcomed.
Online community centred around the excellent and highly esteemed Pentacle Magazine. All welcome.
Hand crafted cards and gifts for pagans and traditionalists
Pagan and New Age supplies.
Home page of Cursus Walker, Druid and access to the Anderida Gorsedd site.
Homepage of the UK branch of the Pagan Federation, an organisation to support the interests of Pagans across all paths. Publisher of Pagan Dawn magazine.
Organisation striving to promote the awareness of Pagans in public bodies.
Community designed to allow Pagans and Christians to communicate and gain a better understanding.
Publisher of a rather nice multifaith calendar and diary. The dairy covers 13 moons and contains information on the night sky and festivals for pagan and other faiths. The diary does all this too and includes poetry and pictures from contributors.
The BBC hosts a number of sites, this link will take you to the Religion and Ethics Site which includes details of programs broadcast by BBC TV and Radio as well as playing host to a set of multifaith message boards. Note the message boards operate under restricted working hours.
Site for ex-Pagans that have either found or have returned to Christianity. Pagans who wish to visit this site should bear in mind that all people have the right to find their own faith and that sometimes that faith may change.
A library of texts available either on line or on CD-Rom (reliable service, got mine from this US site within less than a week)
Home of the Palm Pilot family of hand held computers
Site for news for Palm OS machines.
Large library of free e-documents
Home of eReader with a library of documents and books for the eReader format
Home of Mobipocket Reader with a library of documents and books for the Mobipocket format
General/Miscellaneous SF&F Babylon 5 Doctor Who
A very entertaining site that aims to detail all superheroes world wide – and I don’t just mean the long underwear types. The section on British comic heroes is outstanding
This link will take you to the central site for BFP and its range of productions (audio and occasionally DVD or book) including Doctor Who and Benny as well as The Tomorrow People and 2000AD
The official Star Trek site
Everything you want to know about the universe of Terry Pratchett but were unafraid to ask. Truly excellent site
The BBC Cult website covering a variety of Cult TV and other media. Sometimes content can vary but look out for webcasts (Ghosts of Albion) and online comics/novels (Buffy/2000AD) amongst other delights.
Home page and online magazine from legendary author Dave Langord.
The official WB Babylon 5 site – not as good as it used to be.
5/Crusade Spoiler Junkies Archive
Excellent site full of detailed episode synopses and photo galleries
Excellent site, a legend on the net.
The homepage of the Doctor Who Appreciation Society
Large and exhaustive site for all things Doctor Who. Includes a Forum.
The official Doctor Who site – full of clips and facts, webcasts and novels.
This link will take you directly to the Big Finish Doctor Who site for details of the continuing range of Doctor Who audio adventures
Finish – Professor Bernice Summerfield
This link will take you directly to the Big Finish Adventures of Prof Bernice Summerfield site for details of the continuing range of Benny audio adventures and books.
An extremely handy forum for all things animated. Part of the Big Cartoon Database, and if you can’t find it anywhere on there, there are plenty of posters to help you look (and some of them are veritable Cartoon Masterminds)
The homepage and forum for the journal of the strange
Free forums – hosts of Fool’s Forum
Personal blogging site. Very easy to use and allows comments back on your entries (if you make them
readable to other people) – host of Bells, Bladders and Foolish Things (the mutterings of Cosmic Fool)
The people behind SiteSpinner which is what I used to produce this site
Excellent search engine- worth using just to see the ‘special’ logos that pop up occasionally
Another great and famous search engine plus host to Yahoo Communities, free web pages and e-mail
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